E-shop product marketing
Time countdown to end of action
Product of the day / week / month
Product rating
Send the product to a friend by email
Possibility to filter products in stock
Online chat with customer arrival notification
A marketing tool in which you can track customer movement across the page. When you choose to contact him, you'll see a window where you can advise and motivate him to order. The system supports three online chat platforms, Zopim Live Chat, LiveChatoo and SmartSupp. All are free for one chatter and offer similar functionality.
You can also set them to reach the customer after a certain period of time on the site
Marking a product as an action, a new, a sellout with an option to enter an expiration date
The Slovak customer is very happy to buy stock or use sales to get a better price. There is also a group who likes news. You can set a “tag” for each product, where everyone can clearly see that it is an interesting item when browsing the catalog. You can also set the date when the label is turned off to increase convenience.
Best selling products
People like to follow the steps of others, so their real selection of best-selling goods (can also be entered manually) displayed in the product detail or in the left column (if you use it) can only attract them by motivating them to buy.
Recently viewed products
They provide greater visitor comfort. He has the most recently viewed products at hand and can return to them at any time.
Recent products can also be displayed in product detail
Recommend product to friend via email
Each product detail includes the option to recommend it to a friend via email. It is advantageous if the user finds goods you know someone from his neighborhood is looking for.