
Zverejnené: 13.03.2018

Prepracovaný modul pre newslatter

Zverejnené: 13.03.2018

Modul ponuky

Zverejnené: 13.03.2018

Čisté URL adresy

Zverejnené: 27.08.2017

Porovnávač produktov

        0 ks 0.00 €


        Increasing sales


        Set up a discount for registration
        Every new customer coming to your e-shop cost you a lot of effort or money. If his visit does not lead to a purchase, a well-set motivational marketing can end up with a registration (and a chance to subscribe to the newsletter). So you increase your chances of selling, as you can send advertising messages. This will make your offer known to him and perhaps a product will appeal to him.


        Automatic discount after set number of purchases
        This feature can turn a customer into a loyal customer. With the right motivation for loyalty, that is, for re-orders, you can attract him to your side. The Slovak market perceives discounts very positively. Thanks to this, a person can order for loved ones and create a decent increase in turnover.



        Discounts based on current purchase amount
        They serve to motivate the customer to buy more. You can set any number of price levels like "Buy over € 100 and get a 3% discount", "Buy over € 500 and get a 10% discount."

        Free shipping when buying goods at set value
        This basket feature motivates customers to choose a payment and shipping to buy the goods in residual value for free delivery. Slovak customers like to save, so it can be very effective.


        Automatic related products
        You can manually select for each product which item to display in its detail as related. In order not to do this manually, you can determine its essentials (eg Material) to be automatically selected based on the similarity of the parameters you specify.


        Minimum order price
        Many traders who sell cheap items also use the minimum order price. If it is entered, the customer cannot complete the order with the price below this limit and the system will ask him to buy another item.

        Reduced price warning and product storage
        There is a price reduction option in the product detail. If this happens, you can simply click on it to automatically notify all customers who completed the form.



        Discount coupon for signing up for the newsletter



        Possibility to condition entry into category by subscribing to newsletter






        Countdown of action price validity