E-shop statistics
Sales Statistics
If you record sales prices for your products, just filter your orders for a certain period and the system will calculate your sales statistics.
Cost management
There is also a cost accounting module that can be divided into groups defined by you. The most used ones are already pre-created. If you use it, the Economy Results feature gets a new dimension.
Economic Performance Overview
Thanks to the fact that you can record all your costs, purchase prices and sales in the e-shop, you get the exact economic result shown in the chart.
Google Analytics, Piwik, Hotjar traffic statistics
In order to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns based on traffic, conversion rate, or demographic data, there is no implementation of Google Analytics statistics in your e-shop.
If you want to use a temperature map, the system also includes a Hotjar link where you can register. This will give you an overview of which links and items on your site are most interesting to users.
Connect Facebook, Google, Heureka and Etarget Conversions - (Free if you set it yourself)
Visit Sources and Goal: Google Analytics